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Theme week | Appreciate all with Dabnad


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   Hey everyone! I’m back after a long time. This theme week we’re talking about the appreciation of members around the league. Now to say the least I think I have some type of curse going around, I was in Mexico and @youloser1337decides to walk of as the gm of the team (I’m still mad at you for this). I have to appreciate for him for first guiding me through the league and making me a decent prospect. I’ll stay great full for him no matter what happens to my carrer, I’m still angry for you leaving gmship. 

  The second person (well people) I’d like to thank this week are @comrade catand @Arce. If you were on Mexico at any time of the season you’d know why. These two people are just like my brothers and have helped me the entire time I have been in the VHL. These two have huge contributions in making me, me. Arce and Boris are both key parts inside my VHL carrer. As @Lemorse7once said we’re the “three mousquetaires”. These two members of the VHL must be the prime reason you see this article which I why these lines can’t say how much I appreciate them being in my VHL carrer.


 Next up, we have @Minion. Now Mr. Minion has also retired a bit (my amazing curse). I despise him along with @youloser1337for leaving gmship this early however, I understand that they have lives outside the UHL and I respect their choice. Mr. Minion has been another key choice. I appreciate him drafting me in a stage of my carrer where no one knew if I would be able to do anything. Even if I had a fast start, there was no guarantee that this would last the entire stage of my carrer. I also appreciate every single person that even considered drafting me as it did working out for me in the long term.


  Third on the list of GMs we have @Dom. Now Dom is a great gm. 99% of the things I said for Minion apply to Dom as well. I appreciate the draft from him in the early stages of my carrer. Dom is an overall just great leader and guy and very chill and cool to talk with.


The fifth person I would like to appreciate is @Lemorse7. Lemorse has always been an encouraging role in my VHL carrer no matter the circumstances and I think that he’s one of the three reasons I’m still in this league. Lemorse is great with his words and a promising human. If Arce and Boris are the feet and hands, then Youloser is the brain, Minion is the body organs and Dom and Lemorse are the combined backbone of this journey. I really don’t think that without these members, I could’ve achieved anything inside of this league.


Apart from the individual appreciations, I would also like to jointly appreciate every single person that has made this league possible, weather it be the commissioners of this league, or those who spend their time manually looking at each and every request for updates. I also want to appreciate every single gm of the three leagues, without them, this league wouldn’t be possible. The last person I would like to appreciate is the person I found this league from. To my memory, I joined the league from a YouTube advert some time ago. I think that this has changed the course of my personal life for the better.  


  At the end, I think that everyone deserves the chance to be appreciative and everyone deserves the chance to be appreciated. Everyone has done something for someone in their life and deserves a chance. Anyways, this is Dabnad once again signing off and hoping to see you guys soon next time.


633 words

Week ending May 29th



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4 minutes ago, Dom said:

Gotta follow the curse, my turn to step down 😝😝



Please don’t, if you do I will be named as the “forever cursed”

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48 minutes ago, Dabnad said:

I despise him along with @youloser1337for leaving gmship this early

And I Oop Whatcha Say GIF by Jasmine Masters


In all seriousness, that squad we had for the cup run was very special. A team full of waivers basically made it far. You were a big help and a great personality in the discord too. Dang, its seasons like those that made me re-consider stepping down. It was special having you around :) 

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