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Between the Periods with Bobbus Dingus ft. Nikolas Kauppi - The Second Round Exit


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Hello, world! Welcome to the official first episode of Between the Periods with Bobbus Dingus where I only have time on my busy schedule to interview none other than Nikolas Kauppi from the Mexico City Kings. Nikolas, welcome to the show! You're looking very sharp today in that suit. How are you feeling today?

Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. I'm always happy to oblige my dear friend Bob in his weird endeavors. I'm feeling okay today -- nothing too exciting going on other than this.


Oh, are we friends?! I guess I shouldn't read too much into that.. Now, Nikolas, in game 4 of the series against the Las Vegas Aces you did something spectacular and exciting in the first period. Can you walk us through it?

Before I get into it, I just want you to know I don't appreciate the fluffing going on right now because I know you're gonna ask me about something I lack or haven't done.

Nikolas, I don't know what you mean by fluffing, but if you're implying that I'm buttering you up before putting you on the grill you're probably right. Trust the process, friend. I don't mean any disrespect or harm!

One of these days I'm gonna put you on the spot with my own questioning.. Anyway, yeah, we were about halfway through a power play when Stroheim shot just wide of the net, Torbjorn retrieved the puck, saw I had a good position for the shot, passed it to me, and just as he did I wound up my stick for the shot and probably could've set the net on fire for how much power I put behind the puck. My first playoff goal ever! It was an electrifying moment.


It really was an electrifying moment for everyone in the arena! The Aces tied the game and the arena was mostly silent up until the power play started. Unfortunately, the Kings lost that game to the Aces by one goal. What happened to the momentum and how important was it to win this game?

I knew it was coming eventually.. I don't really know what exactly happened except we stopped scoring and Vegas only needed 2 goals to be in the lead and that's exactly what they did. It sucked and leaving home ice without a win that day sucked even more. It's important to win every game, especially in the playoffs where you really can't afford to lose one.


That's very true, Nikolas. Especially game 5 where it was a win or go home situation in which the Aces did send you guys packin', but not before you took them to 2nd overtime to earn it.

Yeah, I really don't want to talk about that game.


Fair enough! How about the points you were able to sneak in for the playoffs? You recorded only that one goal and two assists. What do you th--

Nikolas stands up and throws off the lapel microphone. As he walks off, he can be heard saying

I'll see you next season, Bob.


--ink... Oh, uh. Alright! Thank you for your time, Nikolas! And thank you everyone at home for listening in on today's episode of Between the Periods! I'll see you on the next!


542 words, using for PT week ending August 21.

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