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Town of Pallet #2


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3 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

fight them all rooooaaaar 

Fight Lvl 20 with Ponyta with Flamethrower 

continue with Ponyta until dead Use Jolteon with thunder and if dead use Riolu with double kick 

Ponyta shows these tiny Dragons who is BOSS and takes out the first 2 with 3 HP remaining. Jolteon finishes off the last one


You gain $397

Ponyta gains 3 levels 

Jolteon gains 2 levels

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12 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:
Koffing 15
Growlithe 18



Your Pokeball purchase from Amazon was eligible for 2 hour delivery!


You start with the Growlithe...

You catch it on the 2nd throw!


Zapdos won't be so easy though...

You start with Ultra Balls.....

tv show pokemon GIF


It escapes!


You've got 6 greatballs to try....

You start chucking...

*insert spoiler box here if I wasn't on mobile*

You CATCH it on the 5th Throw!!

You've caught the legendary Zapdos!

Scream Yell GIF by Pokémon


Then Gastly uses Pursuit on Koffing...

Koffing is too tanky though! Gastly faints. Who do you want to send out next?

This Gastly is straight ass holy shit.


Scyther please

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3 hours ago, Gustav said:

Ding ding, motherfuckers!


Actions 1 and 2: WORK x2


This will be enough to get me a bicycle, which I will buy.


Action 3: Explore Route 1

You work all day in the bike shop and earn enough to buy one yourself!


You decide to go for a joy ride and find

Pidgey 16
Ralts 16
Pichu 17


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3 hours ago, Alex said:

Throw all the balls at Raikou and pray.


Zorua uses Knock off on Meowth until it dies

 Axew uses Dragon claw on Magnimite until it dies

Meowth 16
Magnemite 20
Raikou 30



Let's see if you get some Ptyrell mod-luck...


You've got 6 pokeball, 1 greatball and 1 ultra ball... Raikou has a catch rate of 1. Let's see!


First the ultra ball...

Wide left!


Then the greatball..

Wide right!


Only a 5% chance with the Pokeballs.. but you gotta try right?









No luck.


At least you have no trouble with the wild Pokemon! Your pokemon gain 2 levels each and you earn $290.

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26 minutes ago, Dom said:

I’ll buy 1 master ball and great balls with the rest of money.


action 1: exploring cerulean cave

Just a quote to say that I edited  my action

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5 hours ago, ctots said:

First, let's target the Hawlucha with pokeballs, but I'll use great balls if needed.


Next up, use great balls to catch the level 20 Zorua.


Finally, Hawlucha will use Flying Press against the level 17 Zorua.

Pokemon Level
Zorua 20
Hawlucha 19
Zorua 17


Wow. 20% chance but you catch the Hawlucha on your first regular pokeball throw! 


On to Zoura..

Odds are much higher, but this one takes 2 throws.


Hawlucha wrecks the small Zorua and stands over it gloating. Hawlucha gains 2 levels and you gain $143

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1 hour ago, Dom said:

Action 1, 2, 3: work


buy surf hm and teach it to wartorttle. Buy a master ball and spend the rest on great balls.


action 4: move to cerulean cave

I edited it again, I think its fine now.

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Proud of the level of effort she went through plucking a free Magnemite, Jessie decides it’s time for another cool training montage.


Returning to her shady shopkeeper, she’ll purchase just a fishing rod, then proceed to


Action 1: Explore Fishing

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8 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:


Scizor equips the Amulet coin 


He first attacks Elekid with X-Scissor

He then attacks Pidgey with Iron Head

He then attacks Magnemite with X-Scissor until he faints


Honedge swoops in for the kill and night slashes the magnemite

Elekid lv 17

Pidgey lv 17

Magnemite lv 18


Scizor completes the sweep! Scizor gains 6 levels and you multiple your current cash by 176x what you had.


Edit: plus 10%

Edited by Ptyrell
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8 hours ago, McWolf said:

2.1. Work


You referee for at a youth basketball game. One of the parent's is furious about the bad calls you made, but you shrug it off as a parent on the other team slipped you $646 to make those calls.




8 hours ago, McWolf said:

2.2. Exploring Mt. Moon


Wanting an escape from civilization, you head your way up into the mountains. There you encounter an odd comradery of pokemon:


Pokemon Level
Pumpkaboo 18
Geodude 19
Litwick 18
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8 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

I will be taking the spot of James of Ream Rocket! If you prepared for trouble... make it double 👀


For my day 1 I will just work x 4.

With my Team Rocket bonus money, I will buy a bike and work again.


pokemon anime GIF


Some people call it "petty theft" but you call it "another day at the office" as you break into the local schools and steal the lunch money out of the backpacks of all the students. 5 schools later, you've accumulated $2288 and just one painful dog bite. With your ill-gotten gains, you head to the bike shop and spend a whopping $3k on a new bike. You later ponder why you didn't just steal the bike straight up instead.


With your new bike in tow, you go on to more adventurous "work": drive-bys. At full speed you head through Route 13 and snatch a lady's purse. You pull $522 out of the purse, then hand the rest of the contents off to a nearby Pidgey, who has more honor than you and flies it back to the lady.

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11 hours ago, Doomsday said:


Throw all Pokeballs at Axew if necessary. If any are left, try for Elekid.


Anything not caught will be battle experience for Growlithe!


Action 3/4: Work twice to get caught up to the current day.

Elekid 18
Axew 18
Mimikyu 18

You catch axew in 3 tries and elekid in 2.


Mimikyu defeats Growlithe and has 40 HP left!

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8 hours ago, dlamb said:

Action 1+2: Work


Buy a Razor Claw and as many great balls as I can with the money.

Give the Razor Claw to Sneasel, and use a Rare Candy on it.


You do some moonlighting as a bartender. You brushed up on making some fancy drinks, but it seemed like everyone who came in ordered just Lemonade or Soda Pop. You take home $1168 in tips, then immediately go on a shopping spree. 1 Razor Claw and 3 Great Balls later, you have just $128 remaining in tips, bringing your total to $516


(I'm reading that as you only wanted to spend the money you earned now, if you wanted to spend ALL your money, ping me on discord and you can buy 2 more Great Balls).




You then give your Sneasel a Razor Claw and a Rare Candy. You then quickly stop it from eating the Claw and tell it to eat the candy instead. It questions you but abides. Then it starts to glow.




Your Sneasel has evolved into Weavile!


8 hours ago, dlamb said:

Action 3: Explore Goldenrod


You then head into Goldenrod and find quite the strange scene: it seems a Mimikyu is acting as a referee to a Riolu boxing match! Of course, you don't have time to wait on that!


Pokemon Level
Mimikyu 15
Riolu 17
Riolu 20


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8 hours ago, omgitshim said:

Purchase 2 Great Balls and 2 Ultra balls.


Action 3: Explore Bell Tower

One day you'll get someone who mods as beautifully as you do. But for today you get this, sorry


Mimikyu 18
Abra 18
Meowth 15
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