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What’s next for Todd Cooke


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During the end of the year locker room clean out LA Stars rookie Centre Todd Cooke was seen getting some last minute ice time before the Offseason officially began . Cooke came into this season with high expectations for himself hoping to achieve the goals he set for himself . However that was not exactly the case.


We sat down with Cooke while he was cleaning his locker and getting ready to go home to Fort McMurray Alberta for Christmas with his family .


Reporter Hello Todd thank you for sitting down with us for a short little interview to close the season , and get your thoughts on how everything went .


Cooke : No problem happy to be here .


Reporter : This season was full of ups and downs but as the season went on how do you feel your game progressed and grew ?


Cooke : Well for starters I’m honoured to play for an organization like the Stars out management team is committed to putting the best possible group out on the ice and always tries to better the team. The guys are great I really learnt a lot from our veteran players . I came into this year knowing that I’d have to work hard to earn every bit of ice time and opportunity that I’d be given and I feel like I did that ! I feel like my game got better as the season progressed and I got more comfortable.


Reporter : The Stars look to be and up and coming team in the next couple of seasons . Are you excited to be a part of this up and coming group ? 

Cooke : I’m extremely excited to be a part of this group we have . We have a solid group of players making our core . @InstantRockstarhas done a great job assembling this team . We’re strong at every position especially goaltending and defence . Although we might’ve taken a step back this past season I believe wholeheartedly that in the next season or two we will take a couple steps in the right direction towards the ultimate goal of winning a championship. We have the pieces , it’s just a matter of putting it all together.


Reporter : You primarily played centre in the VHLE and VHLM , but this season you played on the wing most of the year , was that a big adjustment for you ? 

Cooke : Not as big as you’d think to be honest I played wing as a kid and a bit in junior , so I was fairly familiar with the positioning and everything . The switch also gave me a chance to see how the older guys played centre at this level aswell as grow my defensive game . I’m just happy I was playing and bettering my game each and every night .


Reporter : what’s your plans for the off-season?


Cooke : First and foremost I’m going to go spend Christmas with my family back home then I’ll be right back in the gym and on the ice . Trying to get stronger and faster . Anything I can do to come into next season ready to go you best bet I’ll be doing it !


Reporter : this was a tough season as a whole for the Stars , as you pointed out earlier the team has a good young core group , where do you think you go from here ?


Cooke : I mean you can only go up from here and get better as a team , we want to bring a championship to LA , we all wanna be there and be competitive. We have the talent it’s just a matter of taking the lessons we learned this year and applying them next season . If we do that and play for eachother I believe we’ll competing for a playoff spot maybe even more next season ! 

Reporter : well I think that’s all the time we have today thank you for sitting with us Todd , all the best this holiday season and enjoy you offseason we’ll see you at training camp .


Cooke: thanks guys appreciate it .


There you have it folks a nice season ending interview with one of the leagues up and comers hoping to improve on a mediocre rookie season in the VHL !


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