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Inker Belle talks about VHL draft city locations part 1

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 "Hey all you humans! My name is Inker Belle and I am an Inkling from Inkopolis! I am also a draft candidate in the upcoming VHL draft. When I was getting drafted into the VHLM, I looked at the various draft city locations and told you what I thought about them. Well, why not do that with the VHL too? So in this article I will be looking at the cities of a few VHL draft destinations and letting you know what I know about them and how I feel about them. This will probably be a multi part article and I might even do one for the VHLE, so let's get started!


 First of all I will talk about the Chicago Phoenix. I didn't know what a Phoenix was so I went and looked it up and apparently it's a mythical immortal fire bird? That is actually a pretty cool thing to make your team after! Now I know that Chicago is called the Windy City and it can get pretty cold up there, and I also know that Chicago style pizza looks really good. I love trying out different kinds of food, so that would be right up my alley! Other than that, I am not too familiar with the area of Chicago, but it does look cool!


 Now from the chill of Chicago to the heat of Los Angeles with the LA Stars. The city of Los Angeles is where a bunch of movies get made, and you can also meet a lot of cool movies stars there! I also love watching humans surf and I love the beach so that is cool too! I would say that Los Angeles is too hot for a ice hockey team, but I play for a team in San Diego so what do I know? I would think about being a movie star myself, but even my own family have let me know that my acting skills are unfortunately not that good.


 Next up is the classy city of London in England where the London United play! I'm a bit surprised that the United don't play in the VHLE, but hey the conference is called the European conference so again what do I know? I actually do enjoy some tea sometimes and London is full of amazing history to look through like the Tower of London, where apparently a lot of bad stuff happened. Also I will say that I like the look of the UK flag, and the United look like they have used it in a cool way in their logo as well.


 And it looks like that is all the teams I will talk about this week. I know that I haven't been talking to you humans that much during the season, but I have been so busy getting used to life as a full time hockey player that I have not found any time to sit down and write! But anyways, I really hope that you enjoyed this article and I hope that I will see you in the next one!"


WildfireMicro here talking, and yes I will try to be more consistent with my articles going forward but no promises.

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London is an interesting spot!  I wonder who their new GM will be and how they decide to draft!  Best of luck in the upcoming drafts!

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