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Couple Suggestions from Me

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1) Bring the LRs up to the top, especially for the minor leaguers. We appear to have an issue with retaining people and getting them into the minor systems to allow them to grow within the community so I would like to propose that they get brought up to the top.


Explanation: Marketing 101 says our eyes go to the top of websites for things we need to see. So a team community is something that can get people to come back and get them to enjoy coming on the site. Even if they have done their tasks that week and are waiting for payout to claim whenever they can. GMs are meant to encourage their new members and yes, we have the side chat system but having that sense of community gets people talking to their teammates and wanting to engage in the site. Activity promotes growth and growth brings excitement and excitement brings members and that can drive up members here to the league. When you go shopping at the store the items the store doesn't want you looking for are normally hidden at the bottom and for good reason. The better stuff (more expensive is higher up).


But I want to give this a twist. When I was traded (at the time this was before the trade was put on hold) I had learned the Jr team I was being traded to had the GM and 1 other active member. This to me is quite sad for the development of the minor league. I don't know if its bad drafting or what as I see activity in Bratislava from other members of league management. I am not sure if this is the league keeping its eye out on the team or if there is a policy if alumni can be in the LR and communicate with prospects. My next idea would be to allow alumni to actively participate in the Jr LRs as that can stimulate the conversation and as I argued before activity on the site brings traffic and can keep people here. The more you have people engaged with the Jr Leagues the more I believe we can have success in keeping them. 


2) Point Task Clusterf*** Breakdown


What do I mean by this. This one section is crazy big and in "Welfare/Pension" there is a rule that says, if you claim welfare you cannot do any other point task that week. So, as a new person I see this as you cannot do the Fantasy and etc even though the league management says you can. To me it screams confusion and if you miss when they post that or if you don't know someone who tells you. You could have a VHLm'r who could be earning 3 TPE a week out of confusion.


I would propose that this gets reshuffled around into a way that isn't so cluttered. I mean, if you break it down between things that go for weekly capped TPE and the uncapped TPE for the week. With a clearer written rules of what can and cannot be done in the week. The welfare/pension says you can do XMRadio/Fan590s.. but what are they??? You can make any sets of rules long but if they get confusing and they begin to feel over whelming and if you don't have someone reminding you weekly until you remember what is and isn't it could drive people away.


I already had a conversation about the VHLm Training Camp wording of those rules as from what was written there to the Spirit of the League Rule were two completely different things.


3) Sorting out the Updated Point Tasks


Is there a way instead of having one big super folder for them all to have multiple folder for each group of point task that is available that requires them. Just thinking if 10 graphic submissions are done 6 media and a bunch of podcasts are done things can get lost in the shuffle and might get missed


Thank you for reviewing my long ass post :)

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lol @ #1. 


I think you can PM Victor and he'll put your LR at the top.

Nah, he'll just put a shortcut to the LR which isn't the same and also it fucks up your locker room apparently. At least it fucked up Stockholm's, but I for one didn't really like having the shortcut there, because I want to be able to look at it from the main page and see if there are any new posts but a shortcut alone doesn't allow me to do that.

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So, why when I ask a commissioner here I get a flat out no? Instead of this option 

I think it messes up the locker room when they try to customize it so those who want a shortcut on top have one. I think we may have had a vote regarding where people would prefer to have the locker rooms, but I can't remember for sure. I for one would prefer them on top as well, but it is something that has been discussed recently actually.

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The Edmonton Oilers wish they could have my bad drafting skills :P


Good points for us to review, because if its confusing for you, it will be confusing for every other new recruit. Thanks for putting in the time to communicate this to us.


Keep it up :D

Edited by tfong
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So, why when I ask a commissioner here I get a flat out no? Instead of this option 


Seems I didn't know that it had caused issues. I assumed it worked since I haven't seen the constant arguing over top/bottom.


Frankly I like both, even switching between the two. Behind is good also.

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1. Lots of people here, myself included, don't believe the LR should be the main focal point of the league, hence it is not at the top. Some alumni do stick around in LRs + commishes and Boom and myself cuz we have no lives.

2. That's a fair point. The rules should be improved tbh but you can always ask. That's not an excuse but it's rarely AS big a deal. 590s are the colloquial term for VHL.com articles.

3. What's the point of dividing updated PTs into different types?

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Number 2 has some merit, maybe I'll try to write something a little clearer. Also perhaps fantasy zones would be better served in a section with the Fantasy League rather than the point task section, something to think about anyway.


All good suggestions though, thanks for sharing!

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Number 2 has some merit, maybe I'll try to write something a little clearer. Also perhaps fantasy zones would be better served in a section with the Fantasy League rather than the point task section, something to think about anyway.

That would make more sense. I hope that fantazy zones would be changed to fantasy league section.

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1) When hearing a team has a GM and 1 active it is kind of sad for them, as it doesn't help them get integrated into the community that is the VHL. If you are a new member that doesn't know everyone or if you have come from another league and they have a different username and they know you but you don't know them its weird. You begin to not fit in and in life if you don't feel like you fit in you just go somewhere else. 


2) Thanks for the news, its a great to see :)


3) What I mean is the graphics section would get its own graded section, written media its own, podcasts its own. This way if I make a post and it gets graded and I miss place it then It can get a little easier to locate that graded piece for the future to link it up for TPE updates

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3) What I mean is the graphics section would get its own graded section, written media its own, podcasts its own. This way if I make a post and it gets graded and I miss place it then It can get a little easier to locate that graded piece for the future to link it up for TPE updates

PTs are only moved to the updated section once they're, well, updated. Everything you haven't claimed is still in the section you posted it in.
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1) When hearing a team has a GM and 1 active it is kind of sad for them, as it doesn't help them get integrated into the community that is the VHL. If you are a new member that doesn't know everyone or if you have come from another league and they have a different username and they know you but you don't know them its weird. You begin to not fit in and in life if you don't feel like you fit in you just go somewhere else. 


2) Thanks for the news, its a great to see :)


3) What I mean is the graphics section would get its own graded section, written media its own, podcasts its own. This way if I make a post and it gets graded and I miss place it then It can get a little easier to locate that graded piece for the future to link it up for TPE updates

1) that GM should be fire for being terrible at him job 

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I hope this helps with understanding the point task and cap structures:




This is going to help huge... Is there a way to get this thread above the subforums in the Point Task section? I only ask since I think it could help or is it a site thing/skin layout?

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If something like the VHLm Practice Facility doesn't get posted on the Monday and is still unlocked you can still claim correct? What happens if its say Wednesday and its not posted yet? Is there a provision in the league that extends the time for VHLm'ers to claim if they missed it. I have this weird thing that I adopted from SHL that Monday was my update day for anything that was on a Monday to Sunday schedule to make sure I grabbed it in time. So for example if said thread for this week isn't posted and its almost Thursday does the time slot go Wednesday - Tuesday if it got posted now or would this be Wednesday - Monday and the new one posted (if it was at operational peak)?

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Usually they are posted Monday, if they are not then the person who does it may have had a VHL/VHLM Commish do it or someone like Boom or myself may notice and come do it.


By the way Smitty, good vocality!

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