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An In-Depth Analysis of Why VHLM LR's Suck


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An In-Depth Analysis of Why VHLM LR's Suck

by BeanSobie


Because they are on the bottom of the fucking forum.


Thank you,




Now to elaborate to the tune of 150 words so that I might gain a single TPE:


Since joining the site I have wondered what the point is of keeping Locker Rooms at the bottom of the page?  One of the greatest parts of the sim community is just that, that it is a community.  What I enjoyed most about the SHL was getting to know all the people on my team, and the place where we did that best was in our LR.  When I sign onto the SHL and am greeted by that icon telling me someone has posted in the LR it is always the first thing I check and could lead to me spending hours talking to some great people without even venturing to the other parts of the forum.  In contrast, when I sign onto the VHL, scroll all the way to the bottom and see that nothing has happened in there in the three days its been since I've visited the site it really is not giving me a huge incentive to come back day to day.



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I've never understood this. What's the difference between the top and bottom when everyone knows it's there?

People are too lazy and ______ to figure out a way scroll down to bottom

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People are too lazy and ______ to figure out a way scroll down to bottom


:blink: people are actually getting butt hurt over 200 arbitrary words I wrote down to get TPE?  Wow...

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