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2013-2014 NHL Discussion Thread


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I don't think Calgary can pass you...


Was confused about the tiebreaker again, I guess it's ROW instead of just wins now? So yeah, they'd be battling out for 6th overall I guess.

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If Calgary wins their last two games, Winnipeg gets two more points, and the Canucks lose out their final games they could drop to 14th in the conference. HELLO TOP 5 DRAFT PICK, YES I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE ONE OF THOSE PLEASE.

It's official. Calgary won't pass Vancouver. the worst Vancouver can do is 5th last.

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Hate to put a break into the Vancouver melancholy/emo break up here, but I am a Sabres fan, so I really don't care


The draft really interests me.  Common logic for Buffalo would be to take a forward with the first/second pick in the draft, especially after taking Zadarov and Risto in the first round last year.  However I would love to see them take Ekbland and kinda through the draft on its ear.  A future D including Ekbland, Zads, Risto, McCabe, Pysyk, McBain, Myers, Weber and Ruhwedel would give them some tread possibilities to find some talent up front.  I have always believed that good-great D are worth more then good-great F.  This would also spark some serious Myers trade rumors (which makes me sad, I have loved Myers since his Kelowna days), maybe that much rumored draft trade with Edmonton...again more then Gagner is needed Oil fans.  In any event, Buffalo is primed for either Eichel (who I think they'd take) or McDavid for next years draft.  Watch out, they have a really good growing pipeline and it will be bulging after next years draft.

Also curious on the Isles decisions.  They aren't known for having the best decision making skills, but do they give up the high pick in a weaker draft of hope next year ends up better and offer the 2015 1st to Buffalo in a stronger draft class?  I don't know much about the pipeline, but it looks like they have lost a lot from the mid point of this year (Vanek/Moulson, McDonald) and I don't know how they project for next year.


Also have to give some love to my "B" team in Calgary.  As a guy growing up in SK, I get a lot of Cal/Edm games on regional tv.  I hate (always hated) Edm, so Calgary was a natural team to like.  Signing Johnny Hockey and Arnold will help.  I know Gadreau is a smaller player, but he has excelled at every level he has played and I think in time he will be one of those productive small guys in the NHL.  

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I don't know if I should feel bad for him or laugh at him.

I tend to feel bad for them. But more because I feel bad that somewhere, someone could've or should've said something. It's obviously a case where the guy needs help, mentally.

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after one game this is what we've come to the conclusion too? 


He was struggling in a major way to follow the puck and the play, and constantly over commits getting himself out of position. It was honestly painful watching him, it's not like he's aware of where the puck is and he's just getting beat. Half the time he hasn't got a clue where it is and leaves the net wide open, this game could have been 9-2 if it wasn't for the defense -- as shitty as they were -- clearing the puck or tying up their man. The kid needs serious work if he wants to be just a backup in the NHL.

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I think it's a major loss if you actually at how ridiculously young this team is, any veteran presence will help in the playoffs and he has been to a stanley cup final

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I cried at the end of the game when Marty was alone on the ice.

Your tires don't fall alone. I was taken back by the whole realization.

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did anyone like the Torts hiring originally?

I liked it initially because I thought we'd get the fire filled screaming angry torts to put the boys in shape. Instead we got some sieve. I was willing to try it out but had my doubts.

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