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Helsinki's Future Up In The Air


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Helsinki Eliminated.. Will They Be Back?




Helsinki, Finland.


With Helsinki being eliminated, there have been a lot of questions about their future. Is this the end of an era? Is there time up and is it the optimal time for them to sell and proactively begin a rebuild?


While we have seen teams like Davos, Riga, and New York turn their team from a rebuild to a contender seemingly overnight, it doesn't look like it's the only option in Finland. While their stars are aging, they have a few huge pieces that are very young (no pun intended). Their current team lacks the depth, but the Titans have the assets to move in order to compete at least for two more years, However, that would not only cost future assets, but also run the risk of them losing stars like Ethan Osborne and Tuomas Tukio for literally nothing. 


There's a division between fans in Helsinki - while some want to see the team continue to compete, others realize the future is more important than the next few seasons. There is no question the future of the Titans is up in the air. One thing we know is a decision has to be made by the end of the off-season, so the speculation will not last long.


In the span of seven seasons, this franchise went from a perennial loser, to a complete dynasty. Not only did they win a Continental Cup, but they gathered the respect from the league by consistently being serious playoff contenders. Everyone knew this run had to come to an end, and for many it will be a sad day when it does... The big question is, "when?"

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