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S64 Group 2 Fantasy Draft


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1. @Velevra

2. @Eudaldkp

3. @AndrewWarren13

4. @BladeMaiden

5. @Nykonax

6. @Reives

The list after the randomizer is done, it is a snake draft so it'll be starting with @Velevra 12-hour time limits per pick, move on after that, don't wait for me or anyone else. If someone has missed 2 picks in a row they will be disqualified and I will finish drafting their team.



F -  Leph Twinger
F - Marvin Harding

F - Beau Louth

D - Mats Johnsson

D - David Kiaskov
G -  Tristan Iseult



F -  Vyacheslav Smirnov
F - The Charm
F - Thor Odinsson

D - Joseph McWolf

D - Shawn Glade
G -  ROger Sterling



F -  Podrick Cast
F - 
Oleksiy Revchenko
F - Oyorra Arroyo

D - Maxim Kovalchuk

D - Samuel Gate
G -  Norris Stopko



F -  Edwin Preencarnacion
F - Julian Borwinn

F - Veran Dragomir

D - Sidney Crosby

D - Casey Jones
G -  Alex Pepper



F -  Sebastien Ironside
F - JasperCanmore

F - Elias Dahlberg

D - Joseph Bassolino

D - Robert Malenko
G -  Ismond Kingfisher




F -  Matt Thompson
F - Keaton Louth

F - Jake Davis

D - Colton Rayne

D - Ryan Kastelic

G -  Kallis Kriketers

Edited by Bushito
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