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Talking About WJC Solely for the 1 tpe


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Ordinarily, I would never bother to check or care about the WJC, as I don't care about it at all. However, we apparently get 1 additional tpe if we talk about it in a vhl radio or media spot so I may as well for the tpe. Apparently I made it onto Team USA with Smitty which is nice I suppose. In the WJC predictions I picked team Canada because I would assume a lot of our members are from Canada with it being the biggest hockey market and all. There is a player named  Aeschylus Jigglejawns CXXXVIII who is in the index for some reason so that is cool I guess. Only person with a longer name than Smitty. We also have Athanasios Andrianopoulos on Team Europe, how in the world do you pronounce that name? Also, former Flyers Chris Vandervelde is showing up in the index for some reason. Wow this has been a painful article I really don't care about the WJC at all thanks for the tpe.

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