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Claimed:Riggs finally producing


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Take, for instance, the term “rookie.” Take it and toss it over the boards.
In the Storm locker room, newcomers are respectfully called “first-year players” or “younger guys” or “newer guys.’’
Riggs recalls, “It was just very immature things guys were doing to younger players — just stupid things that they did and you look at it, thinking, ‘Hey, why would you do that?’ It was just basically them proving, ‘Hey, I’m the older guy, I have the right to do that to you.’
“But at the end, it was like, ‘Really? Is that going to make you happy? Is that going to make you feel like you are dominant, or a better player, a better person?’ ’’
For those reasons, Riggs, 23, is a veteran of more than 3 VHLM regular-season and playoff games (not really) — instead focuses on communication and teamwork. Whatever a player’s age, whatever his experience, they all are engaged in a common purpose. No hazing or deprecating remarks allowed, although every entry-level employee in the jersey is required to work his way up the room’s cultural ladder.
“Don’t get me wrong, they do have responsibilities, just like any new young player coming in,’’ said Riggs, who broke into the league with the Storm during the 35th season. “For example, after a practice, usually they are the last ones off the ice anyway, so we want them to help the trainers pick up pucks.
Not a Captain, but a vocal leader, Riggs is finally hitting his stride in the VHLM with 25 points in 27 games, but 138 hits (league leading) in only 27 games. Possessing great size and strength, Riggs is first and foremost a fantastic net-front presence. He knows how to use his large frame in front of the net and can create match-up problems for opposing defensemen. He has gradually developed a similar type of warrior mentality when battling for loose pucks or playing in high-traffic areas of the ice. His on-ice awareness and vision are also above average to good. Riggs has also demonstrated an outspoken nature which has led him to be a team leader at many stops throughout his young career.
Despite his massive size and surly on-ice disposition, the big winger was a skill-oriented player for much of his junior career and consequentially, has been learning how to play a power forward game in his last three years in the pros. He appears to have finally figured out the power forward game at the VHLM level, and now must prove he is worthy of more opportunities and ice time.
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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 2.25/3

429 words. Unfortunately, as awesome as this was, not hitting the word minimum requirement hurts the grade here. That was the only difference between a perfect 6/6 and something lower. Four-hundred and fifty is the minimum requirement in the Rubric.

Grammar: 2/2

Near perfect.


regular-season = regular season

pick up pucks. = pick up pucks."


Appearance: 1/1

Maybe add a title or some color or something different next time around.

Overall: 5.25/6

Edited by Svoboda_3
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Content: 2.25/3 - Very well-written and an entertaining read, but unfortunately short of the word count. One more paragraph and this would have been full marks for sure. Riggs has been a very pleasant surprise for Oslo and it will be bittersweet to see him "graduate" at the end of the season. However, we are here to get the "younger guys" to the next level and I'll be rooting for you all the way!
Grammar: 2/2 - Very well done here.
Appearance: 1/1 - (Y)
Overall: 5.25/6 - Use Word Counter before you submit your media spot to make sure you hit 450 words next time, capice?
FINAL: 5/6
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