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Claimed:Can Yukon Hold On?


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Can Yukon Hold On?

So far, here in Season 37 of the VHLM, the Yukon Rush have shown pure dominance throughout the league. Currently in the North American league, the Rush are a decisive twenty points in front of their closest competitor, the Gladiators. Now, this level dominance certainly doesn't echo throughout the whole league; the Bern Royals are only a meager 1 point behind the Rush and their record against each other is 3-2 in favor of Yukon. Despite Bern being right on the Rush's tail, analysts have said time and time again that the Rush are going all the way. It's also important to note that Yukon and Bern aren't the only contenders - Turku, Minot, Bratslava are all very strong teams as well. However, if someone were to ask me who was going to be the next Founder's Cup champions, I would say Yukon. Every time. And here's why:


Konstantin Jaroslav Azhishchenkov (KJA): KJA is an 18 year old Russian who is currently Yukon's first-line center. GM Austin Gow has been quoted on numerous occasions saying the KJA is certainly the most well rounded offensive player on Yukon and possibly the entire league. With 33 goals and 38 assists, KJA's stats certainly reflect Mr. Gow's statements. This season, KJA has emerged as something that is possibly far more important than whatever stats he racks up - a leader. After being named as an assistant captain at the start of the season, which was a surprise to a lot of people, KJA has been instrumental in rallying and motivating the entire Yukon bench.


KJA gets slightly over enthusiastic at times.

Triton Jackson: Jackson is an American-born defenceman. Standing at a whopping 6'8, Triton Jackson is hard to miss. Well, you would think he would be hard to miss. However, in my opinion, Jackson is an extremely underrated player. He has been leading Yukon's defensive line up this season and, largely due to him, the Rush have the lowest goals against average in the league. It's not just his skill, either, this season Triton Jackson has taken on the role of 'mentor' for young defencemen Don Draper. They now play on the first line defensive pairing together and are, so far, displaying great chemistry. Now, Jackson and Draper are two of the leaders in the +/- category throughout the league with +70 and +66, respectively.


Yukon D-man Triton Jackson lettin' one go.

Kimmo Salo: Salo is the Finnish goalie that can be credited Yukon's success up to this point. At this point, Salo leads the league in save percentage, goals against average, shutouts, wins, and penalty shot percentage. Without a shadow of a doubt, it is safe to say that if Yukon did not have Salo, this season would be telling a very different story. He went 1st overall in this years VHLM dispersal draft as well as 7th overall in this years VHL Entry draft. Salo, however, is quite modest with his success; stating "I just go out there and work my ass off. Thats it".


Salo doing his thing.

While there are other players on Yukon who have played a huge part in their success this season, these are a few of the top dogs in my opinion. If they do win the championship, we can be assured that these 3 will be at center stage.

Edited by Draper
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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 3/3

559 words. What a nice little Media Spot here. A lot of Yukon stuff being written lately and that's good to see. Obviously they are the class of the VHLM, so they are bound to get that added attention. Other than the grammatical errors, this read nicely and tied together well.

Grammar: 1.75/2


league = Conference

, Bratslava = , and Bratislava

saying the = saying that

skill, either, = skill either,

credited Yukon's = credited for Yukon's

years = year's (x2)

dispersal draft = Dispersal Draft

Thats it". = That's it."

Appearance: 1/1


Overall: 5.75/6

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Content: 3/3 - A nice look on how Yukon has been dominating the North American Conference of the VHLM for the entire season. Both Yukon and Bern look to be the top contenders in their conference, but unlike the past couple of seasons, they each have a couple of teams that have a realistic shot at upsetting them in a seven game series. This should be one of the most interesting playoffs in a long time.


Grammar: 1.75/2 - Only found one more.


level dominance = level of dominance


Appearance: 1/1 - Very nice.


Overall: 5.75/6


FINAL: 6/6

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