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I think they look pretty nice


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  • Common theme for both is too many patterns/effects - stick to one or two IMO (e.g., dots or lines - not both)
  • Borwin one is definitely the better of the two
  • Instead of clipping a picture with effects to the text, try using the Paint Bucket tool and do a subtle consistent pattern instead, set the layer opacity down and/or p[lay with layer effects. Then you can use some brushes and more layers clipped on to give more flowing text patterns that aren't too disruptive
  • Lighting is dull in the Borwinn one - try playing with duplicated layers of the render and use layer effects to make it less pale/washed out
  • Big issue with Thompson one is the lighting - if you think of natural lighting it comes from one source (usually from the top/side) and the white brushes on his arms and legs are too much. If you want to add those white highlights like that keep them small. Once you are done or feel your done your piece next time, try:
    • Make a new layer on top then go Image > Apply Image > OK
    • Then go Filter > Render > Lighting Effects (or can try lease flare)
  • This will give one source of light for the piece and will help it pop in the right spots a bit more - my eyes need to draw to the player first, and everything else after
  • A good trick to mess around with as well is that "Apply Image" function and you can desaturate and play with layer effects, or just play with layer effects, as well as opacity
  • Common thing when learning is trying to always make it better and do too much :) 

Good job Dilly, getting way better!!

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