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(S70) LW - Nazaire Ismael Celice Esnault, TPE: 30


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Welcome @Radcow

We both have cow in our name and we love each other. My name is MexicanCow and i am the AGM of San Diego. The draft just ended and we need players to fill our team. We can offer you SECOND LINE MINUTES AND SOME PP AND PK TIME. If we can pick up some players i guarantee you we will be competitive. Our team and LR is constantly active, we help with PT ideas, PT feedback, build help and so much more, needless to say you will be WELL supported here! Just Quote this ACCEPT if you want to join us! 

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@Radcow, if you check the teams I think you will find that Saskatoon Wild is perfectly placed for an amazing season this year. So please consider us, and no matter which team you choose you're welcome to contact us via PM or through Discord with any questions that you may have.

Have a chat with Peace as to minutes, 69 seems excessive as we will try to avoid overtime. :)

GM @Peace (Discord: MrZPeace#0598)
AGM @Elmebeck (Discord: VerloreneSiege#9910)

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Hello @Radcow! Welcome to the VHL! The draft just passed last night so you’ve joined at just the right time to be able to pick any team you’d like!


I’m the Halifax 21st GM and we have been a team that has never missed the playoffs in our history! We would love to welcome you on our 3rd line. If you continue to work hard and gain tonnes of TPE, you might be able to move up and get some special teams time!

If this interests you at all, quote this and say “Accept!”. Ifyou have any questions at all, do not hesitate to PM me!

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