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Where Cologne Currently Stands


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S38 for the Cologne Express has become a fight for 4th place in the European Conference. A young and inexperienced Cologne team has seen their fair share of wins with seven in those twenty. Losing the rest of the 13, with an overtime loss to go along with that. With the rookie group of Ron World Peace, Lars Strummer, and Blaine Olynick make their way to the big leagues, they've shown to have their moments of promise but it hasn't been enough to bring in the W's. Express veteran David Collier has 19 points in the 21 games, being the most productive of the team in familiar fashion. Newcome GIGYAS has been the ying to Collier's hang, as he has been a big help to Collier's performance so far.


With Dimothensis Vlasis, Steve Tremblay, and Ashton Gailbraith as the notable rookies making their way up next season, this Express team of the future looks bright and promising. The formula for a winning team is present in Cologne, there's only a matter of experience and time when the VHL franchise can win their very first Continental Cup since their inception.

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