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So, just today I left VSN for the second time because I am not able to keep up with the workload. This isn't going to be one of those typical articles that bash everyone after leaving, which we have seen with quite a few different jobs or just the site in general as people angrily leave. Seeing VSN where it is today is incredible after seeing how it was in its beginning stages. I was a member of VSN from February of 2019 to November or December, then re-joined in May or June I think but honestly I have no idea when I joined again. All I can say is that the difference in the organization from when I started in February to now is really something that longtime editor @FrostBeard and @Banackock should be proud of.


When I joined VSN, I had to think of a series to start. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I decided I would recap past seasons in the league, starting from S20, the first season that has an archive on the portal. That lasted for only a few season recaps until my new series Deep Rewind took over, which was my main thing for a very long time. I still have no idea why I picked history to write about. When I first joined VSN in February, I had only been on the site for about four months or so, the most history I knew was that Riga won the S63 Continental Cup and the Wranglers lost in the finals. I joined VSN and it was nothing like how it is today. The summer of 2019 was a particularly dead time for VSN, and it pretty much became a platform for me to write stuff and get more publicity than what a typical media spot would. I would post twice a week, and I don't even know how I did that. I can hardly even keep up with posting once every other week now, posting twice a week would be a death sentence for me. That being said, I didn't have much of a life during that summer, but now I actually do so that probably is a factor. I believe during the month of August, there were nine posts and I had seven or eight of them, but I'm not exactly sure. I remember I said something that VSN should have more publicity and thought of ways that we could get that to happen, and the overwhelming response by people was that VSN just kinda sucked. We fixed things for a while, and then it went back to a lack of articles being posted. This is when Frostbeard and Bana took over (I think).


I'm doing this whole timeline off the top of my head so it's definitely a little spotty. But, Frostbeard and Bana took over VSN and made it much more organized and complete than at any point in my tenure. We got new writers, I believe this is when we got a graphics department too, it became rejuvenated. After a few months under this new leadership, my life actually got interesting and I wasn't able to keep up with VSN anymore, as I was too busy getting with the ladies ? . But I also wasn't able to keep up with the league in general anymore, I stepped down from my GM job, and then about a month later I think I left VSN and the league as a whole for a few months until I came back in around March. I came back to VSN because I wanted to write for them again and my activity on the site had picked up, but now, I don't know if I can keep up anymore. VSN has grown tremendously, and I also have to mention @Doomsday for his incredible contributions to VSN, as a great history writer and he was definitely the most deserving successor of Frostbeard. I hope VSN can continue to grow and improve and become better than ever before.

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I think that VSN is where it is because of you. Because people like you who can create wonderful and truly amazing content for everyone on the site to enjoy. I think that when Bana decided to act and push for change in leadership things changed for the better. It was good that I had contacted Commissioners previously about problems with VSN and Bana knew that. We worked well together but as I knew already at that point that Bana was there only for a part of it as none of us wanted him to burn out. At that point I knew that we need to hire people that are ready to contribute and bring energy and passion to VSN. I have to say that you clearly were that person so question to re-hire you when you decided to back was the easiest decision as Editor-in-chief I ever made. You did amazing job and I hope to see some more amazing articles by Matt at some point :) 

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