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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. Eric White Jr's option with the Seattle Bears has been picked up.
  2. Simons Worst Nightmare's option with the Seattle Bears has been picked up.
  3. Marek Nowaczyk's option with the Seattle Bears has been picked up.
  4. Nathan Ecker's option with the Seattle Bears has been picked up.
  5. Voltron (Voltron) has announced their retirement.
  6. Tyrese Campbell (Tyrese Campbell) has announced their retirement.
  7. Tullemore Dew (Spade18) has announced their retirement.
  8. Tord Yvel (Trazan) has announced their retirement.
  9. Tommy Hawk (Bedard98) has announced their retirement.
  10. Tomas Zubrus (Zuby) has announced their retirement.
  11. Toby Boby (ChicaPosts) has announced their retirement.
  12. Tarro Tsujimoto (Taro Tsujimoto) has announced their retirement.
  13. ThrashNINETYFOUR (Thrash94) has announced their retirement.
  14. Thijs Mooij (Thijs) has announced their retirement.
  15. Steven mcdard (Zyrox) has announced their retirement.
  16. Shane Sedam (shane twolf sedam) has announced their retirement.
  17. Sergei Romanov (WithARevelYell) has announced their retirement.
  18. Sebastian Odegaard (Infernal) has announced their retirement.
  19. Scuff McGruff (ScuffMcgruff) has announced their retirement.
  20. Scott Sterling (SStelling) has announced their retirement.
  21. Robert Thump (Robert Thump) has announced their retirement.
  22. Robert Boldy (The Goblin) has announced their retirement.
  23. Riley Sewell (Rsew) has announced their retirement.
  24. Quinndillus Whopper (Max77) has announced their retirement.
  25. Puddles (Puddles) has announced their retirement.
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