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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. Alex Gates has accepted Philadelphia's offer.
  2. The Philadelphia Reapers have made a waivers offer to Alex Gates.
  3. Igor Vezina has accepted Saskatoon's offer.
  4. The Saskatoon Wild have made a waivers offer to Igor Vezina.
  5. Anthony Salza (REQUIEM4AGOAL) has announced their retirement.
  6. Anthony Salza has accepted Halifax's offer.
  7. The Halifax 21st have made a waivers offer to Anthony Salza.
  8. The Halifax 21st have made a waivers offer to Cameron Dalton.
  9. Ian Ertman (Ian Ertmann) has announced their retirement.
  10. Dalton Canders (DC21) has announced their retirement.
  11. Donaven Gordon has accepted Ottawa's offer.
  12. antonio marchand has accepted Ottawa's offer.
  13. The Ottawa Lynx have made a waivers offer to antonio marchand.
  14. The Ottawa Lynx have made a waivers offer to Donaven Gordon.
  15. The Ottawa Lynx have made a waivers offer to Tyler Ouellette.
  16. Sam Park has accepted Ottawa's offer.
  17. The Ottawa Lynx have made a waivers offer to Sam Park.
  18. Babe Baptista has accepted San Diego's offer.
  19. The San Diego Marlins have made a waivers offer to Babe Baptista.
  20. Ian Ertmann (Ian Ertmann) has announced their retirement.
  21. Nick Trash has accepted San Diego's offer.
  22. The San Diego Marlins have made a waivers offer to Nick Trash.
  23. Vincent Laroche-Gagnier has accepted San Diego's offer.
  24. The San Diego Marlins have made a waivers offer to Vincent Laroche-Gagnier.
  25. Kenny Williams has accepted Ottawa's offer.
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