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Everything posted by VHL Bot

  1. The Malmo Nighthawks have made a free agency offer to THE MIGHTY ICE WIZARD: S97: $2,500,000
  2. The HC Davos Dynamo have made a free agency offer to THE MIGHTY ICE WIZARD: S97: $2,500,000 S98: $2,500,000
  3. The London United have placed an inactive claim on UghSike. London Priority: 16
  4. The London United have made a free agency offer to Med: S97: $3,500,000
  5. Annie Oaks has accepted London's offer.
  6. The London United have made a free agency offer to Jussi Jokinenegg: S97: $4,000,000 S98: $4,000,000
  7. ALTO RED has accepted a Signing Offer from Toronto: S97: $3,000,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  8. VHL Bot

    OTT/SDM; S97

    Ottawa receives: S97 HFX 1st San Diego receives: S99 OTT 1st S99 OTT 5th This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  9. Wayne Shotzky has accepted a Signing Offer from Toronto: S98: $3,000,000 S99: $1,500,000 S100: $1,500,000
  10. Ethan Ashcroft has accepted a Signing Offer from Toronto: S97: $3,000,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  11. VHL Bot

    MIS/HFX; S97

    Halifax receives: Shot Blocker Mississauga receives: Jay Sikes This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  12. The Phantom of the VHL has accepted a Signing Offer from Seattle: S97: $3,500,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000 S100: $1,500,000 S101: $1,500,000
  13. Feka Ohi Kau has accepted a Bonus Offer from Chicago: S97: $1,500,000
  14. Raoul Cyr has accepted a Signing Offer from Warsaw: S97: $3,000,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  15. Albin Aldgard has accepted a Signing Offer from D.C.: S97: $3,000,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  16. Tommy Sleeves has accepted a Signing Offer from Helsinki: S98: $3,000,000 (NTC)
  17. VHL Bot

    MIS/HOU; S97

    Houston receives: Bartholomew Lorequavius Mississauga receives: Raoul Cyr S97 HOU 2nd This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  18. Old Man On Skates has accepted a Signing Offer from Los Angeles: S97: $1,500,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  19. James Pearson has accepted a Signing Offer from Los Angeles: S97: $1,500,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  20. Ahsoka Tano has accepted a Signing Offer from Seattle: S98: $1,500,000
  21. Dan jr has accepted a Signing Offer from Riga: S97: $2,000,000 S98: $2,000,000 S99: $2,000,000
  22. CJ Daniels has accepted a Signing Offer from Seattle: S97: $3,000,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  23. Ron World Peace Jr has accepted a Signing Offer from Los Angeles: S97: $1,500,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  24. Elisa McMuffin has accepted a Signing Offer from Moscow: S97: $3,000,000 S98: $1,500,000 S99: $1,500,000
  25. Toby Bob has been released by the Mexico City Kings.
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