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A game day routine is very important. Every day for Madison it’s the same schedule without fail. Madison has very specific things he likes to do before any game and in a very specific order. Generally for a 7pm game Madison will wake up at 7am. He will fuel up with some breakfast before heading to the rink. On his way to the rink he listens to the same songs most mornings. Although occasionally he will put on a podcast instead. His drive to the rink is about a half hour to forty five minutes depending on traffic. When he arrives at the rink he must make at least 2 laps before heading into the locker room. When he is making his laps he has specific people that he must say hi to no matter what. It’s part of his superstitions.


Once Madison enters the locker room he will immediately go to his stall and make sure everything is where it should be. By this time it is usually around 9:15. Madison has to have a morning skate no matter what. At 9:15 he starts his stretching routine and starts to get ready for the morning skate. After the morning skate he has one red and one blue Gatorade in order to stay hydrated. He will then have the same meal. That meal includes grilled chicken, pasta and vegetables. By this time it is around 12pm. He heads back home to take the important pregame nap and shower. He likes to nap for exactly 1 hour and 23 minutes.


After his nap he has some sort of snack before he starts his at home stretch routine for before games. After his routine is done he leaves his house by 3:30 to arrive at the rink no later than 4:15pm. When he arrives he likes to get a quick pre game meal. This is one of the few things that changes everyday for him. His pregame meal is never the same thing two days in a row. By 5pm he is in the locker room doing some dynamic stretching and warming up his body. At 5:45 he hops on a stationary bike for 15 minutes to get his blood pumping. 


6pm starts his routine of getting his equipment on. He has a very specific order to everything he does. His right skate, sock, elbow pad etc always must go on before the left. 6:20 marks the start of warm ups. He likes to be the first person on after the goalie and the last person off. When he gets back into the locker room after warm ups he downs a bottle of Gatorade and sits in his stall waiting for the coach to come in. As it’s time to hit the ice Joe likes to be the last one in line. This has been a thing since juniors for Joe. Between each period he likes to have an entire bottle of water to make sure he stays hydrated. 


When the game ends Joe takes off his equipment the reverse way he put it on. He puts everything in his bad a certain way. Then he drives home, takes a quick shower and heads for bed.


word count:545

Edited by Brewins15
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