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Sad Noises


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Sad Noises


      I am once again asking for trivia 24/7. Trivia makes me not have to write these articles which happen to take significantly more time than just clicking some buttons. My next article during off season will be another mega rant on why we need it during off season which is basically tradition at this point. Since it appears trivia is very time consuming for the author I suggest having 1 season where each week instead of asking questions for trivia we have to submit a question that could be used in trivia. This way the author of trivia can build a massive database of questions they can just pull out and post. Hopefully there will be enough to last quite awhile so this won't need to be done very often. I NEED MY TRIVIA….This could also allow off season trivia to be a thing ;). Side note. My team did awful this season. Dead last in the league is not the move. Next season I hope we can at least make the playoffs. Thank you for listening to my seasonal rants. I don't care how repetitive it is since my position on trivia has yet to change in all this time. Hope you all suffer for as long as I do peasants. Let's go Lightning! Kick Canada's ass please. I do not want Canada to win a cup for 100 years. It would make me happy. Much love and merry Christmas Markus  Emerson jr. future HOF goalie.


claim week ending 7/4 250 words

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