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Johnston talks about their offensive struggles


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Since joining the Calgary Wranglers, Johnston's season has been an interesting one. Having gone from a first line scoring option in both his VHLM seasons, recording 83 goals and 85 points for 168 points in 124 games, Johnston has struggled since joining the Wranglers, and has gone through the first real offensive draught of his career. He joins us today to discuss what his season has been like.


Interviewer: "Welcome Alex Johnston, how do you feel your season has gone so far both on and off the ice?"


Johnston: "It's been weird, on the ice it's the first time I've really struggled to get on the score sheet. Even when I joined the VHLM I scored in each of my first two games so, this is really the first time I've struggled offensively in my career. The mental aspect of this has been what's most challenging, not seeing your name on the box score every game when your used to it is hard. I have been trying to distract myself from my lack of production by trying to be more physical and improving my defensive play, and I am happy with my progression there. Off the ice I have had an incredible experience, I have really enjoyed getting to know all the Calgary players better and it's been very enjoyable."


Interviewer: "What have been some bright spots in your season so far?"


Johnston: "Well before the season start I participated in the WJC, and I found out I was named to the all-tournament team which was a really cool experience. From there I had my first VHL game, and stepping on the ice for the first time was everything I thought it would be and more, it's really hard to put it into words just kind of a sense that everything you worked for has finally paid off."


Interviewer: "Final question, in your game against Seattle you recorded your first career VHL point, with an assist on Tyler Walkers goal in the dying seconds of the first period what was this like?"


Johnston: "Getting my first point felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and I can finally relax and hopefully be able to get back to contributing offensively on a more consistent basis."


Interviewer: "This concludes our interview, thank you."

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