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A boy from Zeeland and annoyance


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Black bold lines are from Sunrise.

Green bold lines are from Sunrise's girlfriend, Luz.

Red bold lines are from Sunrise's sister, Mooncalf.


He took a look at the clock hanging on his room's wall. While it only pointed to a mere half-hour of time spent, he could swear he had been listening to his sister cry about her movie debut for the whole day. It didn't help to him that he wasn't doing amazingly for the first time in a couple of seasons - Cologne was bottom of the table on the European league and Sunrise himself wasn't setting Europe on fire. Still, he was able to manage through that pretty well. What he wasn't able to manage as well was listening to his sister. "Those reviewers are so mean, Sunrise... they said my acting was plastic and my crying exaggerated! Can you imagine that?"


His eyes got smaller as he struggled to remain awake in face of it. Maybe that's something they could've criticized about his sister as well, her ability to nag on and on. That sort of thought brought him back to reality, he wouldn't complain about his sister besides the usual shenanigans his family tended to pull off. "Come on, sis. That was your first time around, nobody is perfect nor do they start without their own issues. I could say the same of my own game." Mooncalf sighed. He couldn't see her but he could tell she was nodding. "That's true. It's just that I worked so hard I imagined that it was amazing, you know? I felt like I had knocked it out of the park. Still, thanks for listening, little brother. See you later, OK?" Once their departing words landed, he sighed, getting up from bed.


He walked out of his room, noticing Luz at the kitchen with a large grin. "Sooo... I take this means you're gonna cook us lunch now, eh? Eh? Eh? Eh?!" He couldn't help but chuckle a bit from her tone as he walked towards the fridge. "Sure, if you're down for some fish salad. Unless you forgot we don't have meat... like you forgot to buy said meat on the market the other day." The Mexican crossed her arms, feigning displeasure. "Man, that was low. I just made a casual mistake, that's all. You say it like you never make mistakes."


"Oh, I'm being honest." He pulled the fish out of the fridge. "As in it's a sincere question. We could always order food, I think we have enough money to do so for the rest of the month, although that would mean not getting that game I wanted." Luz placed a hand on his shoulder, showing a charitable smile. "Sure, in order to save you from the pain of not having that game about the anime you like, I shall have your finest fish." His eyebrows lowered and he let out a chuckle. "Alright, your highness."


As the rain outside returned with its usual slow pace, the two enjoyed lunch while Sunrise digested his thoughts about his season. Like the fish, surely it would get better once he was used to it. But time sure took its sweet... well... time.

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Interesting read. It was a pretty innovative idea to substitute a different colour for every speaker in the story. It makes it very clear who is actually speaking. That is an issue I used to run into a lot as a kid because I was a fan of reading. Your article seems like it is very articulate and free of spelling errors. 9/10

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