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Review: I'm loving what I'm seeing here. Good use of effects, and I love the amount of depth added into the graphic. A logo swap would've added a bit more, but it's good nonetheless. I also enjoy the font chosen in the graphic, really adds to the product itself. Amazing job with it! Overall 8.5/10

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Review: This is a primary example of how effects can improve a graphic even without a logo/color swap. The effects improve depth and also help really shape the colors instead of it just appearing normally. I think a little bit more could've been done in terms of contrast, but overall, great work! 9/10!

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You're getting so much better! This is probably my favorite from you so far. I would still recommend to cover some of that texture over his face, but that's my only complaint. The text choice you have is really good, and whatever overlay layer you have that gives it that multicolor effect blends in so well. You have textures going in all the empty space and the sizing of the graphic is quite unique. Good job!



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