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Goals for defence


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All hockey players know how positions in hockey work: Right wing, center, and left wing try getting goals, Left defence and right defence try to pass and get assists/blocks, and goaltenders stop the puck from getting in the net. This is all fine until the defence want to start attacking. We’ve seen this in many different places where the defence try getting goals and end up not focusing on defensive game however, what if a defensive player can shoot the puck more than they pass it? When they do this we’ll see that the team has, basically, an extra player on the ice but the biggest problem with this occurs when the player goes right in the middle of not being a offensive player (such as a right wing, center, and left wing) nor being a defensive player putting them right in the middle of the pact making them virtually half a player rather than being 2 players. This harms the team and the player since the team loses a player and the player loses their best ability while they think they’re getting better. This is why I believe a defensive player should be defensive rather than trying to 100% score goals like offensive players. This doesn’t mean that defensive players shouldn’t try to score, in fact I feel like defensive players should score to make a statement, however I believe that defensive players should focus more on their defence rather than their offense. 

(244 words)


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