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Juan Ceson Gets Drafted Again


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After last week’s excitement in the VHL draft, Juan Ceson was looking forward to being drafted in the VHLM to a team he would actually play on. He was hoping for somewhere cold, or at least not somewhere in the desert like Las Vegas because he could not stand the heat. After a lot of waiting, Juan Ceson was finally drafted in the seventh round with, once again, the seventieth pick, the exact same place he was picked in the VHL draft. He was drafted to the Saskatoon Wild which is thankfully way up in the North and a very cold place which he was sure to like. He was also happy to be drafted to the same team that former Halifax 21st legend Rick Osman once played nineteen games for. It is also the team where Juan Ceson’s close friend Bryn Yrwy once spent time AGMing before retiring back to Halifax where he met Juan. Altogether, Juan Ceson was very happy with this draft.


ps thanks @Minion❤️

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