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Siyan Yasilievich - Pre-Season Interview


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Siyan Yasilievich - Pre-Season Interview


We caught up with Siyan Yasilievich and asked him a couple questions about the upcoming season.


First up, what are your expectations Siyan and what are you hoping to achieve this season?


I'll be looking to take home the trophy this season. I think our team is absolutely stacked and I can't wait to get this season on the road. I'll also be hoping to put up 40 points this season, as I think I am very capable of doing so.


Alright, well what is one teammate that you are looking forward to playing with?


I can't wait to play with a lot of my teammates, but one that sticks out to me was my line mate at the JST for the Steel, which is Bobby Rockwell. He is a fantastic defenseman and I enjoy having on the team, not just playing with him on the ice, but also having him in the locker room.


Last question before we'll leave you, is there anything that you want to say to the fans/doubters?


This is the season for the Reapers. We have an amazing team and great chemistry, I think we'll be able to go far and win it all, I don't see many teams standing in our way to do so.


Alright, that'll be it, thank you for your time Siyan and we'll see how the Reapers do in their first week of games!

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