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Kurt's afterthoughts after the WJC

Daniel Janser

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Kurt was going through line ups in his log house on Lake Ontario, when the door bell rang. Swearing under his breath and grabbing his old trusty baseball bat in case it is one of them 'Your warranty of your car has expired, do you wish to extend it'-People. Not that he would ever use it, far from it. But he made the experience that it is easier to end a conversation if you look grumpy and have a 42 inch hickory in one of your hands. Alas, it was no mere door-to-door salesman, but Leandro Gonçalves, one of Kurt's former protegés.

Kurt was surprised to see him but nevertheless asked him into the living room and offering a refreshment. Leandro accepted some OJ but declined the cookies offered. 

'So what leads you to an old grumpy man like me, Leandro?'

'Coach', he still called Kurt 'Coach' despite having played the majority of the season in Mexico, 'I was named GM for Team Europe at the WJC. And I could use your experience and expertise, especially with the special teams.'

'Wow, that is quite the assignment for such a young lad like you, but certainly well deserved. And sure I will help you out.'


Fast forward two weeks, Kurt is back in his log house, sipping some Whiskey. Team Europe just lost the game for Bronze to Team USA after being in the lead for most of the game. But William Groves with a hattrick in the third period (and one goal scored earlier) would have none of it. However, not all was bad for Gonçalves' merry men. They dominated the group stage with an impressive 7-1-0 record, scoring the most goals and allowing the fewest. The special teams were not the best, but improvements were made under the guiding hand of Kurt Janser.


It was a real upset, when the underdog Team Asia kicked Europe out of the tournament in a 5-3 win. And then the game for Bronze was conceded to the US Team in a tight 6-5 game. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Kurt is never happy when his teams lose, but he has seen the future of the VHL and it is bright with all these ambitious youngsters full of spunk. There certainly is still a lot of work ahead of these kids, but they are talented and willing to go the extra mile to get to their goals.


Is it fun to lose? Certainly not. But if you have given your all and it was just not good enough to beat the other team, you just have to accept that they were better (or luckier) that day. Which makes you work harder for the next competition because you don't want to lose ever again.






Edited by Daniel Janser
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First of all, I want to mention the writing which is f-ing great. I may be biased but it’s very engaging for a smaller article - even more than some Media Spots. 💯


I’m not writing a review just stating my enjoyment from the read.


In response, I can only say it’s a pleasure as always! I truly am proud of our effort, even if it ended in shambles.


dwight know GIF

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