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Jacques Lafontaine - Hanging Up The Skates

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CALGARY - After a solid career as a pro hockey player, former VHL and NHL goalie Jacques Lafontaine has hung the skates. Most known for his time as a Wrangler, Lafontaine announced the decision two days ago in a press conference. He most recently played for the Kraken last NHL season but with the Kraken out of the playoffs, Lafontaine has had an early off-season. After some thinking and reflecting, he finally made the decision.


“It’s been an honour to represent Seattle and to play in a league as awesome as the NHL. And I still look back at my VHL days as a Wrangler proudly. But I won’t be returning to either league. In fact, I don’t think I’ll be returning to any league on the ice. This is it. I think it’s time to call it a career.” The goalie said. “I’d like to thank everyone from the fans here in Seattle to the fans in Calgary for my VHL days. Heck, let’s add in the fans from Saskatoon when I was pulled along during that amazing run. Saskatoon still is one of my favourite cities to visit. Even Gatineau, when I was 14 and 15, that town was awesome.”


However, this won’t be the last time we see Lafontaine in the hockey world. He says he won’t be a player but he will get into coaching.


“Some minor teams have already expressed interest in me coaching goalies. I got offers after the announcement and I went, hey, why not?”


We’ll see what the future holds. But for now, this is goodbye Jacques.

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