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Tate Thoughts (May 23)


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Well, here it is, theme week is upon us and it's a theme I can get behind - appreciation! I'm all about member positivity and I have more than a few members I'd like to do a PT about so it'll be interesting to see how my podcast turns out. It will be out later this week due to timing in my RL as normally I'd have it posted by now. 


The season is all but over for my player Fuhr as Vancouver won't be contending for the finals and Fuhr has hit the 64-game limit for starts as a goalie. I'm happy with my save percentage and when you consider how many shots I've faced I think I can call it a successful rookie year. The question remains as to whether or not it was enough to be considered for rookie of the year? Ultimately it's hard to say when you look at the competition but regardless of how it plays out, I am happy with my progress thus far. I like my build and I'm looking forward to continuing in the same direction. 



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