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Last Regular Season Games Review


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Well well well... The VHLM regular season has come to an end! Teams will now have to start preparing for the playoffs, and getting pumped for their upcoming action-packed games! The playoffs will be made up of 8 teams, 4 teams from each of the 2 conferences. 

List of qualified teams:

Western Conference:

- Las Vegas Aces
- San Diego Marlins
- Houston Bulls
- Saskatoon Wild

Eastern Conference:

- Halifax 21st
- Miami Marauders
- Ottawa Lynx
- Mississauga Hounds

Now that we have all the teams listed, let's look into the matchups.

Star Matchup:
Halifax 21st VS Mississauga Hounds
I believe that this will actually be a close series. Even though we have to take in that Halifax is first in seeding, and the Hounds are last in seeding, the matchup will still be a close one. The matchup will be a close one because, throughout the season, the Hounds and the 21st were exchanging wins against each other. In their first game the 21st won, then the second the Hounds won, and it kept going back and forth for the majority of the season. My prediction for this matchup is that Halifax wins in 7 games. I think Halifax will win because they have more players and a higher TPA average. I believe it will be 7 games though because they were going back and forth in the regular season.

Word Count: 225 Words

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