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Holding the Line


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The S83 season is down to two final teams, the Moscow Menace and Seattle Bears. Everyone else outside those teams are already looking ahead to the off-season. Some are looking to the drafts, some are looking to stuff away as much TPE as they can to start the new season, some may even be looking for new teams. What I have seen a lot of is people who are going to apply their free re-roll of TPA for their builds. S83 was the first go with the new attributes, which came with a lot of learning and growing pains. I have decided I am going to stick with my build, and be patient despite the disappointing rookie season for Ronan Lavelle. I have faith in the attributes I am buying into, and I think when it's all said and done the build I have for Lavelle will be successful. I believe once the other important attributes I am now working on catch up to what I was doing with scoring, it should balance out (hopefully). Gotta keep the faith, because what fun is it if you don't?

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