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Congrats Seattle and random thoughts!


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Congrats to Seattle for a great series and winning it all.  I would have liked to see Warsaw in that spot I have to say congrats to a great season to both Moscow and Seattle.  As the offseason begins (my least favorite time) I prepare for the beginning of next season.


There are a few things I look forward to in the offseason which mainly is the draft.  I never thought I’d be sitting at my house on twitch watching a draft for a simulation league, but I have found it to be extremely fun.  So, a huge thank you to those who take the time to put such a good show on.  



I am looking forward to the ProAm and trying to reach 600 TPE by the start of next season so I can help Warsaw go deep in the playoffs.  We have some free agents I hope come back to play with us again next season (fingers crossed).  


Anyway, just some random thoughts for 2 TPE!!   Happy weekend everyone.


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