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Galvins new stick sponsorship


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Last year's Rookie Girts Galvins didn't exactly score as many goals as he had hoped for coming into the VHL. Obviously his hockey stick is to blame so he dumped his previous sponsor Easton Synergy and is going back to his roots with Sherwood. However he is not using their top of the line new all composite sticks, he's going back to the old school all wood sticks he used as a boy in Latvia. The Sherwood pmp 7000 is going to be his stick this season and he takes on the role of one of a few VHL pros using all wood sticks. There's only a few, actually he may be the only one using a wood stick, but we'll see how it goes. The rate Galvins plans on scoring this season we expect Sherwood pmp 7000's to become the best selling stick on the market as kids throw away their 200 dollar composite sticks and opt for the 39 dollar old school wood stick. Should be a fun season for Girts as he brings back the wood stick to the masses! 



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