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Well, it is Monday June 20 2022, 7:45 PM EST. Sitting in anticipation of the VHLE draft. Even though I completed a season with the San Diego Marlins I joined the league after the draft but before games started. So, this is technically my first ever VHLE draft. Couple things I want to discuss in relation to the draft. 


First, I have to say I was not at all happy about the length of time between the VHL draft and the VHLE draft. I am obviously clueless about all the things that I need to go on to make the league run but from a player's perspective it felt like an eternity. Good thing my new VHL team is an excellent group of people, and I was able to take the time to meet them and get connected. 


Secondly, I will admit that this is more a personal thing, but I was approached by only a few of the VHLE GM’s. If I look back, I had conversations with every one of the VHL GM’s, but the VHLE GM were noticeably quiet. It could be that they had a better sense of how they were going to build their teams, or it could be that I am new and so they did not know I even existed. Whatever it was I hope I am not overlooked and that I get picked up early. 


To all the VHLE draft hopefuls, good luck we should be starting the draft shortly. To my fellow San Diego Marlins, hopefully I will get to play with some of you again.  

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