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Game on Brian Payne!!


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Its time to step up into the big league yet I still have too many questions.  No, not all the questions I ask Shindigs, or the question I will soon be asking the Donation Updater because I screwed that claim up.  The questions I have are not really for anyone to answer but more decision making.  Its all about adding TPE.


In order for me to have bragging rights every time Jake Thunder goes toe-to-toe with Brian Payne, I’m going to have to add to Grit.  Only problem is by adding to Grit, it just delays adding to more important traits, not to mention the likelihood of getting more penalties and sitting in the sin bin.  However, there is a time when one must stand up for his teammate, and I better be ready, especially as Payne recently sent me a text bragging how he won a fight against my teammate.   


I finally got Defense up to where I as hoping so now I can work on Skating, Passing, Puck Handling, and Scoring.  Grit is going to have to wait, which means I’m going to have to take a chance on Payne throwing the left hook, but in the meantime, every chance I get will be out hitting, out passing, and out scoring him.  Game On!!

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