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Dusty getting on track!


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It's official that Dusty Is finding his streak of games where he is picking up wins even while taking losses, many fans alike can say Dusty has found himself between those pipes. His performances have definitely been catching the eyes of his teammates and other teams that play him. Night in and night out he's not giving teams trouble in between those pipes. The doubters are now even agreeing that he Is better than they ever expected him to be. He's the goalie that was hanging in the shadows just waiting on his time to come out in the light to show off his skills that he had been holding back for so long. Many thank bana for being such a great coach, but with the team around him, the bears look like they have bounced back in a great way. They're a contender again and Fans are loving every minute of It. Bears continue the playoff hunt as Dusty Wilson keeps putting in work to be the best goalie he can be for this bears team. Will we see Dusty slow down again or will he continue to keep this type of consistency with himself for the remainder of the season? These are questions the fans are hoping are answered soon as when playoff time comes mistakes can be bitter to those who make them. The Fans have one thing to say, they're glad they gambled on the kid.

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