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After last week's discussion on the single most important attribute for an offense build player, it's time for VHL's Sport Science team to look into the single most important attribute... Period. However, research on this did not take nearly as long. It's been a long standing fact that defense is the most important attribute for any player and any build. It's been like this for years as there has been multiple test simulations in the past and present which have stated the importance of defense. Just how important is it though? If you're in the VHLM, 70 has been the benchmark before you can even think about making the jump into the VHLM. If you're a VHL player, it will need to be above 90 at all times if you'd like to have your player be competitive for many years. With defense being so important, it's often overlooked that defense, and skating go hand in hand, and has been proven in past tests that when defense is higher, skating has more of an effect on a player. All these factors must be taken in account when refining your skills to be the next VHL star. Until next time, this is your VHL Sports Science research center update. 

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