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I’m going to start these 250 words fast and say I don’t know if the VHL will survive another 15 years. I hope it does but if it doesn’t I hope that the VHL as itself has left a mark on the Internet and on all of our life’s!



The VHL brings a lot of people from different back grounds and people from different parts in the world. The VHL brings all together even though we may have different opinions and different life styles the VHL gives us all something with each other. You can ask for advice regarding anything and see different ideas and responses from different view points!



The VHL is a great place we all joined this mainly as a place for hockey but we all found it for more then that. We found a community that can help make what seems to be a long life a lot more fun! The VHL is so diverse it’s a art we see people from different country backgrounds and lifestyles and we change our own habits and improve our selves thanks to advice from others! 

We all write these articles and make cool graphics and get to showcase our skills to people across the world it’s amazing! Maybe we excel at some things better then others but that’s what makes it fun we aren’t just robots we are people with skills and it’s great for us to show and use our talents even if it’s worth only 6 TPE in a fake world and sim hockey league! The VHL means a lot to me even through the messing around and what may seem like “trolling” this league has made my life better and I’m not afraid to admit it!

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