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Another Recruitment Opportunity


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It’s playoffs and since HC Davos didnt was eliminated, I have a gap in my virtual hockey life, so I decided to take a quick trip to Alaska and do some fishing next week.  Unlike the last fishing trip to BC, on this trip I will be surrounded by a group of potential hockey players and will be pushing to recruit someone into the league.  For whatever reason the last outing seemed like it was a geriatric festival and my quest for bringing someone into the league was limited to only a couple fishermen.  I think about half of the group wouldn’t know what a forum is, although I’m not one to talk considering my first computer was the Commodore 64.


Here’s the plan.  When I get to base camp, I’ll spend about an hour or two listening and learning who’s who and what they are all about.  I will have at least 10 potential league players and if I can isolate the one most likely to join, I could probably feed off that one to get others to join as well.  This might even be the perfect time because I can show the potential targets, uh players, the VHL and what its all about after a long day fishing, when they are tired and their brain isn’t functioning at 100%.  That way if I say something wrong or describe a technical issue, I might sound smarter than I am.


The only thing that could put a hamper on my plan is, well there are two things… Bears and No Internet!


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