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Thunder’s Wordcast for the Podcasting Impaired - Episode #4


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This is another episode of Thunder’s wordcast for the podcasting impaired.  Episode #4, for those counting.  Although, I did get a nudge from Scurvy this week to actually try a podcast, but guess what?  NO F-ing way.  I still can’t go that route as much as I want to.  Even with all the notifications coming in from Twitch to continue the podcast, its not happening this week.


In this episode, the discussion will be awards predictions, VHLM, and if there’s time a traffic discussion as usual.


The predictions are open and its time to place your winners on paper and lock it for the season, although you are free to edit until the predictions window closes obviously.  As usual, I rely on smarter VHL players than I do, as an example, when I first got into the league, it was easy because I copied someone’s predictions, mostly because I didn’t know what I was doing and now that I still don’t know what I’m doing, I should copy a seasoned player, but I’m not.  It’s time to put my big boy pants on and go rogue.  It appears to be that Vancouver is a fan favorite to take the league this season, and I gotta say, listening to Tate’s latest podcast there is some validity to this prediction.  But… when HC Davos wins it all you will wish you jumped on a different bandwagon!  That brings me to some players on Davos who you may want to consider filling there names in somewhere, specifically Alex Johnston and Vinny Detroit.  Expect Vinny to go ballistic in the playoffs and bring HC Davos to the championship.  And regarding Alex, there are plenty of slots his name should be inserted, to include the top manager.


Obviously Hard Markinson, Nico Pearce, and Papa Emeritus are likely to win awards, so you can’t go wrong with their names on the list.  Some others you want to consider are Bo Johansson, Brian Payne, and Siyan Yasilievich.  But hey, if you don’t care about your predictions then completely ignore the first part of this wordcast.


Now for those few who have even continued reading this wordcast, you wonder what the hell you’ve been reading… Well, its the wordcast version of podcast controversy!


The next controversy to be discussed is coming up with my take on the VHLM this season.  With Las Vegas coming off a second cup, they can’t be dismissed as a three-peat.  If you know Aces GM, you know that he is meticulous with his research and dissects the team’s performance game by game looking for ways to improve.  You can expect the Aces to be in the running again, and for future discussions, you’ll likely see current AGM Top Tiddee 2, become Vegas GM and continue the success of the team considering Tiddee is currently being groomed by Shindigs.


Giving praise to Vegas does not mean my prediction is that the Aces three-peat, because quite simply the Mexico City Kings are taking everything this season.  GM Cole has done another amazing job picking some good draft selections and adding a couple of players who will dominate.  Sorry Shindigs, you’re just not getting another trophy this season!


The last discussion on this wordcast episode is traffic.  I always get a kick out of Spartan’s podcasts while he’s fighting traffic in Jersey, I gotta try to make this wordcast as close to a podcast as possible, hence the podcast impaired.  So lets talk traffic, even though I’m well over the 500 words.


Let’s talk about the politeness of being stopped in traffic and someone trying to be nice by motioning for you to cross traffic.  Well,,, to really get this you need to close your eyes and visualize two lanes of travel going north and the right lane is stopped.  The left lane is open and cars are moving, but the idiot in the right lane motions for the car wanting to cross the two lanes and go south.  And naturally, often times the driver crossing assumes the driver motioning for him/her to cross has given consideration to other traffic so the crossing driver steps on the gas.  The driver crosses easily in front of the polite driver stopped in the right lane, and then as he/she enters the left lane traveling north, much to his/her surprise, BANG!  He/she is T-boned by an unsuspecting traveler minding his own business.  Shattered glass everywhere, the airbag deployed and airbag dust is splattered inside the vehicles, bent metal on the roadway and the southbound traffic is slowed.  The northbound right lane has now opened up and the polite driver who initially motioned for the vehicle to cross traffic is now moving north in the lane and leaving the scene, onto the next intersection he can start a collision in progress.


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