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Barksdale on the 12 game winning streak.


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"Well, here we are at the Daily At, with Las Vegas Ace's newest star, Antoine Barksdale. Last week we talked about adjusting to the life of the city, and how he has been handling the changes in his life. Now.. Las Vegas Aces are in a different stand than they were entirely. About to take first in their conference, and on the cusp of a twelve game winning streak. A few late season pickups, and star performances all around from first liners- We're here to consume, and digest it at all with Antoine Barksdale!"


"Thank you. Thank you for having me. Yeah, super proud of all our guys. Viktor, our newest goalie already had a shut out. Wann Ker.. Bromley.. everyone's really popping off. Myself, been playing a tad well too, so got that going. Still not touching the top four centers in the league, but hope to overtake the first two soon. Not sure if I'll be able to dog Houston's top dog for the number one spot. They played the hounds simply one too many times, and I ain't even seen em once this season.. Just saying.. Whose really playing the harder competition here?"


"That's true. Houston's squad seems less dynamic all around, and LVA is more well rounded. Do you guys think you'll be able to continue your stride of winning into the second half of the season?"


"Really hope we can. I'd like to see that streak go at least twenty. Be good for the confidence of the boys, plus.. Prime number I believe. Can't end on an odd, that's just messed up."


"Fans around the city are talking.. You guys are in good chance to take the third cup that has been rumored to be yours. Do you guys think you'll have any real competition in the playoffs?"


"It honestly depends on Houston, San Diego.. New Mexico round out their rosters. Right now I'd say theirs no one that can touch us John, I'mma be real with you. We're just looking too dominant with our star power. We aren't chart toppers in stats, but we're just.. built differently."


"I know you're busy, so I'll let you get going. Your manager appears to be signaling to wrap it up. Good luck with the rest of your season, and to the other team's competing in the VHLM."


353 words.


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