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Update on the season of A.C.


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We are in the second update of how it's going with Alfred Champagne.

In the first one, we learned that in 22 games, he had 8 goals, 6 assists for 14 points.


So after another week into the season, Alfred have now 13 goals, 9 assists for 22 points in 38 games.

So in 16 games, 5 goals, 3 assists for 8 points. It's a little bit less than expected, but the teams lost some games earlier this week so that didn't help. The last 2-3 days have been better, and we still got a 10 points lead over the next team. We hope to have a better week because Oslo is still 9 points over us.

We need to score more goals because some of the teams behind us have score more goals than us. We have the best defensive squad in the league so that's why we are almost at the top in the standing.


So that's it for this week, hope to have again at least a point in two games, but getting more that that is the objectif. 

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