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Article- VHLM Hockey News Magazine Rick Sportsman interviews Thomas Matthews - interview #2


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Interview before game 203

"I am Rick Sportsman back here with VHLM Hockey News Magazine talking with again, Houston Bulls forward Thomas Matthews. Thomas since last time we talked, The bulls went on a big losing streak. Houston has won only 2 in 9 games. How would you describe what is going on in Houston?" RS

Thanks for having me rick, I think Houston is in a rebuilding phase. There will be ups and downs for rebuilding organizations but I am here to play my best every night and do what I can for my team mates. TM


"There was 2 trades this week. 3 players from Houston has left the roster including star center the mediocre one to the Kings. How does this impact your game?" RS

I am now the first line Center for the bulls. I am sad to see him go but I am happy to get more ice time. In the first interview that you interviewed me I told you I would play any position that the team needed me in. I am a right wing but I will play center. The team needs me to succeed in this position. I will practice more with my face offs in my down time. It is always sad to see someone that is looked up to in the locker room go but at the same time he can succeed in the kings and maybe win a cup. So I am always trying to think more positive. TM


"Do you see yourself maybe getting traded this season?" RS

I don't think I would be. I wouldn't want to be. I don't think I am at the level where GMs are looking at me, yet.  I want to be part of the rebuild process here in Houston and give the city here a cup that they can remember proudly. TM


"Do you think the GM of Houston will do more trades this week before the trade deadline?" RS

Anything is possible. but I am not the GM. No matter what happens I am going to play my all every night as I have been doing from the start. TM


"Thanks for being here, I am Rick Sportsman, reporting" RS

Thank you. TM

Edited by Achilles
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