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S86 build goals for Wann Kerr


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With S86 approaching and the VHLE entry draft coming in in about 4 hours, Wann Kerr looks already decided what he needs to work on the most in the upcoming season, before joining the VHL.


With 231 TPE assigned, the highest stat of his build is defense with 62, followed by scoring and passing at 60, face offs at 54, and skating, strength and puck handling at 52. The rest of his stats are 40.


For now, I've set up a 400 TPE goal for him I'd like to reach before the S87 season. The top priority will still be defense, that I'd like to get to 80 (DK 70, PC 76, DC 75), and faceoffs to 70 (FO 56). Reaching these goals will get strength to 67. I'd like to also get skating and puck handling above scoring, the hybrid stats I've already mentioned plus SH 17 and SP 24 get these to 62. Scoring and passing I wasn't planning to touch, but applying TPE in the way I've described will cost me 397. So to round my goal to 400, I'd either put it in OV to get my scoring and passing to 61 - still lower than skating and puckhandling - or to faceoffs, that's not 100% decided yet.


I'd like to build my player this way so he doesn't hurt defense and possession numbers on VHL level as much after joining, scoring will come later with more TPE. Defense, puck possession and transition game will always be my player's bread and butter.

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