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Girts Predictions


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Warsaw Predator's Girts Galvins had a strong year scoring many goals and points, his team dominated the regular season but fell short of defending their championship. This year Girts predicts they will be back on top, even with a new GM who at this time is still unknown, the team is strong enough to win their 2nd championship in 3 seasons. Girts also predicts he will score 30+ goals this season, he's finished just shy of that mark the last 2 seasons. This is the year he gets there. He also predicts teammate Briany Payne will have another monster season and win the mvp (if he didn't win it already this year because I voted for him). Girts also predicts rival team the moscow meanies will implode and finish last in the division, their rink will burn down after practice and all the players will survive but lose their equipment and favorite sticks in the fire causing them to be jinxed and never score a goal for the rest of the season. 

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