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Thoughts on the VHFL


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The Victory Hockey Fantast League is a fantastic addition to the general VHL experience. It allows players to connect with a small group of other members in a semi competitive group and is an additional way to earn TPE during the season. 


I am currently experiencing my third draft process and it has been unique and because of that it has made me think about it. I am not sure I have any grand thoughts or even improvements but more some questions. 


  1. Maybe it is because the regular season was moved up by 2 days, but this season's VHFL draft seems to be pushing into the season. Meaning that the first few picks were made with little information, but later picks are being made with improved knowledge as games have been played. Or it could be the fact that in my grouping we have had several large gaps between picks. To the point we had one person disqualified in their first 2 picks (which happened to be pick 6 and 7) so we ended up going over 24 hours before a pick was completed. 


  1. Maybe I didn’t pay attention in prior seasons. It could be I am just more conscious of the process now and the last 2 VHFL drafts I was in took about the same amount of time. And I just wasn’t paying attention. That could be it. 


  1. Maybe it doesn’t matter. It could be that I am making more of this than I should. It is simply an add on piece to the experience that can result in 1-6 TPE depending on how you place. It means extraordinarily little in perspective of player TPE development so why am I concerned. 


Thanks for reading my ramblings on this topic. 

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2 hours ago, JCarson said:

Maybe it is because the regular season was moved up by 2 days, but this season's VHFL draft seems to be pushing into the season. Meaning that the first few picks were made with little information, but later picks are being made with improved knowledge as games have been played. Or it could be the fact that in my grouping we have had several large gaps between picks. To the point we had one person disqualified in their first 2 picks (which happened to be pick 6 and 7) so we ended up going over 24 hours before a pick was completed. 


Drafts usually go a handful of sims into the season because people just need time. One time my group finished our draft in two days, but most of the time that's super unrealistic...especially when not everyone in a group is a max earner or when your group is a mix of people in different time zones. To still be drafting now isn't abnormal at all.


It gets different (and annoying) when your group has people who purposely drag out their picks for the full 12 hours so they CAN look at player performance deeper into the season and make informed picks. I doubt you were around for the "gentleman's agreement" debacle (involving a collective decision to ignore the 12 hours) of maybe a year ago, but that was an interesting group to watch...

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