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Cooke’s first week


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With the first week of S86 coming to an end Todd Cooke is showing quite a bit of promise and a preview of things too come as his career progresses. 

Todd Cooke has showed he can be a big time player in both the VHLM and VHLE. In prior seasons . His biggest accomplishment to date was winning the renaissance cup with Oslo in the VHLE last season . 

Cooke is currently playing for the Stars , Showing he can play wherever they slot him in the lineup ( on the wing as of late ) Cooke is learning what it takes to be a successful forward in this league , more importantly he’s taking in whatever bit of advice and real time experience he can playing with veteran VHL players in LA . Cooke has a lot of work to do and a lot of growth still has to happen but if this start of the season means anything it’s the this Rookie is a Diamond in the rough . With a very bright future in the VHL . 

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