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Minion Present A .COM check in


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Hello Hello 

Welcome to our short minion presents,

Today we are once more coving Houston and Olso, of course


Starting with the bulls,

They find themself in an intense playoff race early on, with tons of new first gens to boot, with only one recreate on the team, the question is can they turn this around and join the race for the top/ home ove advantage in playoffs?

Maybe, of they can follow the next four steps,


  1. DONT SELL THE PIECES, Houston doesn’t need to sell they are in a good spot for the next two seasons

  2. Update strong

  3. Stay active

  4. Have a Better agm with more time on his hand, damn Minion, missing this weeks presser


Now for the Storm that is minion in Oslo

What is going on, after an amazing season in saskatoon we are not seeing the same results, so he need to hit the cap fast, and thats why he write this 162 word article

Minion Out

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